
Urban Decay Naked Heat Makeup Look

I’ve already swatched it here. Now, it’s time for an Urban Decay Naked Heat Makeup Look. Don’t get too excited if you like crazy fun makeup. This is my version of a wearable and easy tutorial, (if you can call it that) with the palette.

Urban Decay Naked Heat Makeup Look

Products used on the eyes:

  • theBalm Put A Lid On it eyeshadow primer. (Review here).
  • Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette. (Swatches here).
  • H&M Raw Umber Eyeliner Pencil. On their website here.
  • Kat Von D Lock It Concealer. (Review here).
  • Penneys Eyelash Curlers.
  • Catrice Glam & Doll Waterproof Mascara. (Review here).
  • Inglot Gel Liner in number 69. On the Inglot website here.
  • Mac Extended Play Lash Waterproof Mascara. (Review here).
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I didn’t think I would be as into this palette as I am. I have alot of similar shades in my collection already. They are used, them but not super often. Having them in one handy place, I think makes you reach for things more though.  Playing with makeup is a big part of my life, but I can get a bit lazy. Makeup ruts are real people 🙂

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When you’re writing a post about a makeup product and you’re day dreaming about how you are going to apply it the next time, I think that’s a sign it’s a hit!

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There’s a good mixture of shades and finishes within the palette to keep things interesting, for a while at least.

Did you take the plunge and pick it up? Are you a red tone eyeshadow fan? I never thought I would be. I never thought they would suit my colouring. But, I have definitely been proven wrong 🙂

Have a click on the video above to see my really simple Urban Decay Naked Heat Makeup Look. Or you can watch it directly over on my YouTube channel, as always here.



Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette

Yep, I have no self control. I did not need it, nor could I justify it. (My lovely friend kindly gave me a voucher for Debenhams). So, I just bit the bullet and picked up the new Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette.

Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette

We know it’s the hype surrounding them that makes us buy into the Naked craze. I have them all and in my impractical head I thought, without the Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette, my collection was incomplete.

Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette Ireland

However, I do get a hell of alot of use out of the original one. The second and third releases get some use aswell. The Smoky version, I don’t reach for so much, it just doesn’t float my boat. My most used Naked Palette is probably the Ultimate Basics one. You can see my review of it here.

Urban Decay Ireland

I think it’s fair to say I am an Urban Decay fan! I am not saying that every shadow or product they release is perfect. Alot of the shadows have fall out when you use them. That is not always ideal. But the pigment and the texture, overall, is awesome.

Obviously I don’t have the palette very long so I can’t go too in depth from a review point of view. I can show you swatches and give you my initial thoughts on it though 🙂

It comes with a dual ended brush.

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There is 12 eyeshadows within the palette. They are a mixture of seven mattes, one satin (Ounce) and four shimmers.

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I have swatched them from left to right in sixes, because my arm isn’t long enough to fit all twelve comfortably ha!

We have here Ounce, Chaser, Sauced, Low Blow, Lumbre and He Devil.

With the flash:

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Without the flash:

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Then we have, Dirty Talk, Scorched, Cayenne, En Fuego, Ashes and Ember.

Again, with the flash on:

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And in natural light:

The Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette for me, is a great mix of colours and warm tones. The shadows overall, are soft and pigmented. There is a couple of mattes (for example, En Fuego and Ashes), that have to be worked with a little more. That could be the fact that they are a bit more purple in tone. I know purple is a shade that is hard to create. You can build them up to your desired intensity though. They are just not as smooth to apply as the other matte shades. Lumbre within the shimmers, needs to be built up too, it’s a not as densely pigmented. Generally though, I am liking what I see and cannot wait to play around with all the colours. There will definitely be a YouTube video with some sort of the Naked Heat look asap on my channel here 🙂

You can buy the Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette now in the flagship store on Grafton Street and in Debenhams. Debenhams also have it online here. It will set you back €47.50.

Have you picked it up? Are you going to?


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Major spoiler alert. Most of this video is slightly out of focus! Why may you ask? Because stupid Gemma (i.e me) focused the camera and then proceeded to sit in the wrong position like a dope! I debated on whether or not to scrap it. But I am mostly chatting about the confidence boosting beauty products in my life and just applying them as I go. Being able to see my potato head clearly really isn’t necessary in the grand scheme of things. Sure the beginning and end is in focus, you can see me in all of my glory there 🙂

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I did a video a while ago here about products that make make me happy. Things that have a meaning to them whether they be connected with memories or people. I thought this was a good continuation on from that. We all have certain confidence boosting products in our beauty drawers right? Things that put a spring our step, that we know look good on us?

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I thought I would chat about mine. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that makeup necessarily equates to happiness. I am not that narrow minded, This is just me talking lightheartedly about certain products that I keep in my life because I know they work for me 🙂

Confidence Boosting Beauty

  • The eyeshadow shade ‘half-baked from Urban Decay.
  • A good eyelash curlers.
  • Eyeliner in my waterline. I used the Inglot AMC Eyeliner Gel in 96 (you can see it swatched here).
  • Mac Cosmetics Springsheen blush. On the Brown Thomas website here.
  • theBalm Mary-Lou-Manizer highlighting powder. The tone of this just works for me. I have an old review of it here.
  • Mac ‘Girl About Town’ Amplified Lipstick. You can get it from Brown Thomas here. I just realised I have two Mac products listed! Not on purpose, promise 🙂
  • Setting Spray. I am loving the L’Oréal Infallible Fixing Mist. (full review here).
  • My confidence boosting fragrance is Viktor & Rolf ‘Flowerbomb’. An oldie but a goodie. You can get it from Debenhams here.
  • Instant Tan! The ones I mention are the Vita Liberata Body Blur and the Bellamianta Skin Perfecting Instant Tan.
  • Then finally, my last confidence boosting beauty product is nail polish, or at least just having my nails did :). I chat about the Wet n Wild 1 Step Wonder Nail Polishes. I honestly love these!!
Confidence Boosting Beauty
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And that concludes my ramblings. So tell me, do you have any particular confidence boosting beauty products in your stash? You can watch the video directly over on my YouTube channel here.


The Urban Decay Full Spectrum is not a necessity is your makeup bag. To be fair makeup isn’t a necessity in our lives, that doesn’t stop us from wanting using and enjoying it though 🙂


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If I am being completely honest with myself (and you), most of the colours in this palette will not make it on my face day to day. Or perhaps even, never. I am not a professional makeup artist so I cannot even justify it by saying I might use them on other people. I enjoy buying and sourcing makeup, the buzz and the aftermath. So, that is my justification for buying the crazy colourful Urban Decay Full Spectrum Palette 🙂 Oh and I did get it in Siopaella, AND it was half price!! You have to be quick buying makeup in there though. There’s usually only one (or sometimes two) of something.

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Ok, enough beauty babble out of me. We’re here to look at the Urban Decay Full Spectrum up close. Urban Decay say it is a step up from their Spectrum Palette which was launched last year. This is the 2016 version of that limited edition colour explosion. You get 21 shades in total, each 1.2 grams. This is most eyeshadows in any Urban Decay Palette to date.

urban decay full spectrum palette

They are organised by colour family. So if you look at the colours in trios going down, you can see that they go from light to dark within the same colour….spectrum 🙂

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The packaging is really lovely and is sleek to the touch, with a large very usable mirror within the lid.

urban decay full spectrum palette

You also get a dual ended brush, which has seemed to become the norm with Urban Decay Palettes.

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The eyeshadows vary from more sparkly, shimmery and then shadows that look shimmery in the palette, but swatch matte. There is also a matte white thrown in for good measure. I actually like this addition because you can layer the bright colours over top (in theory) to make them more vibrant on the eyes. It contains 18 new shades with 3 what Urban Decay call exclusives from past palettes.

I have them swatched in sevens across, from left to right.

On the top line we have: Alchemy, Warning, Midnight Blaze, Hundred, Minx, Delirious, Platonic.

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The second line contains: Gossip, Seize (apologies there’s a glare on the name), Calavera, Hatter, Blindsided, Sketch, Iced.

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Then on the final row, we have: Paranoia, Jones (again with the glare, apologies), Goldmine, Mean, Metamorphosis, Faded and the matte white, Bump.

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Some of the eyeshadows definitely have more colour pay off than others. You would even just notice that from the touch. There is some really lovely wearable colours within the rainbow. But overall, I think this is a palette for people who are makeup fiends, colour fiends or collectors ( I put myself in that category 🙂 ).

The Urban Decay Full Spectrum Palette is available in Debenhams in store now or online here and will set you back €49. Would you dare?


I already did a post on the Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics Palette this week here if you want to see it up close and swatched.

urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics Palette

I thought I would do a post showing it in action too, just to give you an idea of how it applies. And, of course I was itching to use it on my eyeballs 🙂

urban decay naked ultimate basics palette

I did it in video form just because I think it’s the best way to do it really. As I always say, I am not a makeup artist, nor is my makeup application perfect. I definitely could have blended more. But, I hope me showing it in action gives you some indication of how good the shadows are in the Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics Palette. I am really impressed with them. I will say the warmer tones don’t apply as warm as they look in the pan. But, that doesn’t really bother me too much.

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I didn’t plan what I was going to do. I just kind of went with the shadows in the palette that I gravitated too. I used the dark brown Colourpop Gel Liner in ‘Brew ha ha’. You can get this from their website here. I will say it did crumble off my lash line after a few hours of wear, not ideal!

I also used the SoSu by Suzanne Jackson Lashes in the style ‘Katie’, which I really love. I picked them up from Cloud10beauty for €5.95 here. I will definitely pick up more of her falsies!

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You can of course watch the video as always by clicking on the video above, or you can click here to go and watch it directly on my Youtube channel. And sure you could always subscribe while you were there if you fancied 🙂

Did you pick up the Urban Decay Ultimate Naked Basics Palette? What’s your favourite shade? Let me know and thanks for clicking, reading and watching. I really really appreciate it.



I didn’t need it but, I got it anyway. Here is the new Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics eyeshadow palette 🙂

urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics Palette

This beauty has been on every beauty lovers lust list since it was sneak peaked by Urban Decay earlier in the year.

urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics Palette

The Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics eyeshadow palette. It is a bit of a tongue twister of a name, right? I understand the concept of keeping it in the ‘Naked’ family though, it has done pretty well for them. And, there is an abundance of basic shades to be seen so that makes sense too.

The palette itself is super pretty. It has a champagne gold colour plastic case with an embossed logo on the front.

urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics Palette ireland

Inside you get a really decent mirror.

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And, a little dual ended ‘Blending and Smudger’ brush.

urban decay ireland

Inside the case sits 12 eyeshadows. Here they with and without the flash.

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I have to be honest, before buying the Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics Palette, I thought all 12 were matte. The slogan is ‘All Matte. All Naked’ However, there is one satin highlight shade within the palette.

Here are all 12 shades up close and swatched:

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One the top, from left to right, we have: Blow (the demi-matte shade), Nudie, Commando, Tempted, Instinct, Lethal.

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Then on the bottom row, from left to right, we have: Pre-Game, Extra Bitter, Faith, Lockout, Magnet, Blackjack.

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These are all new neutral shades to the Urban Decay Naked family. I have yet to try them on my eyeballs, I will hopefully do that in video form soon. But, on first swatch these shadows are super soft and buttery. There is a few warmer shades in there too which is always appreciated. I know alot of makeup lovers prefer one or the other, but I love that there is a mixture of cool and warm tones within, It gives you the option.

First impressions for me are really good. I am excited to get stuck in and try all the shades properly. If you want to get your hands on the Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics Palette. You can buy in store or online here from Debenhams. It will set you back €47.

What are your first impressions? Let me know 🙂
