I feel really weird doing this, not going to lie. But, I love watching question and answer videos on YouTube. I love getting a little nosey into people’s personal lives and seeing them as human, if that makes sense?
I am as human as they come, sometimes too much so 🙂
I officially have 50 videos over on my YouTube channel!! I literally never thought I would see the day. Seriously, the thoughts of making a video scared the living daylights out of me. It still does, but I am getting more and more comfortable with it as each video is completed. It’s a slow process getting my content seen, but everyday more people stop by.
I am by no means a YouTuber. I make videos to mix up my content here on Beautynook. I am a huge vlog fan too, so I wanted to give it a go myself and push my comfort zones a little. I’ve grown to love the editing aspect of it, and am actually thinking of maybe vlogging a little too if that’s something that would interest you guys? So getting a little personal every now and again and showing you snippets of life?
For my 51st video I thought I would try on the personal side a bit (not too much ha) and answer some questions that you very kindly asked me on my Snapchat and on my Facebook page.

There’s some random questions, some blogging questions and some life questions. You can as always watch the video by clicking on it above or directly on my channel here.
This was another step outside my comfort zone, I have to admit. I’m not a particularly private person, I’ll tell you anything. But doing it in this capacity is a bit more formal and permanent. I’m not the most eloquent speaker either, but sure hopefully you enjoy it anyways.
I was also digging my ‘more simple’ makeup that day, so here’s a bit of a closer look. I used a baby blue pencil in my waterline and I think it really opens the eyes up 🙂

As always thanks for stopping, I really appreciate it.