
Huda Beauty IrelandThere has been a ridiculous amount of hype about the Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyeshadow Palette. And I think we can all agree it’s purely based on just how pretty it looks, right? I wanted it solely just because the shades look amazing in the pan. Even when I forked over the €65 for it in Brown Thomas, I didn’t even swatch it in store beforehand. Nor had I googled reviews, I just blindly bought. But look at it!!!!

Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyshadow Palette

I only own the Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyeshadow Palette a week and have only used it on my eyeballs twice. It’s been a slow New Years week, there wasn’t much makeup being put on 🙂 I put up a poll on my Instagram stories asking would you want to see swatches regardless. 99% of voters said yes, so here we are. After using it a couple of times I did chime in on stories to tell you my initial thoughts.

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The fall out is immense, do your base second and use a creamy base for the glitters to give them more opacity and help them stick. (Huda do include a concealer in the palette). I heard mixed reviews about the mattes, for me so far, they’ve worked well and I find them easy to blend. Although some of them need more building up then others and the fallout is bad, so just be careful!Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyshadow Palette

This isn’t my first Huda Beauty eyeshadow palette. I also have three of the Obsessions Palettes which you can see swatched here, here and beauty blogger

Ok let’s get into the task at hand, talking about and swatching the Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyeshadow Palette. This palette contains 18 eyeshadows. They range from nude, mauve, gold, copper, to more berry tones in colour. And then you get 10 matte shades, four duo chromes: (Crave, Fantasy, Daydream, Charmed). Two glitters: (Excite, Infatuated). One pressed pearl (Kinky) and then a concealer to use as a base, or however you beauty blog

I’ve swatched them in their rows of six from left to right.

Top row: Bare, Crave, Play, Fantasy, Love Bite, Spanked.

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Middle row: Lace, Daydream, Tickle, Excite, Infatuated, Kinky.

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Bottom row: Concealed, Secret, Tease, Raw, Charmed, Teddy.

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Here are some of the shades in action on my eyes, just for reference, it’s a really simple look, I’m no makeup artist, and I’m definitely no Instagram makeup artist.

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I paid 65 quid for the Huda Beauty New Nude Eyeshadow Palette, I’m sure there’ll be a video demonstration at some point too 🙂 What do you think? Have you tried it yet? Is it on your lust list? Let me know.


Wet n Wild Megaglo Highlighting PowderThe Wet n Wild Megaglo Highlighting Powders have been around for a while now. I had tried to get my hands on them a few times as such good things were been said about them online. Unfortunately for me (not Wet n Wild of course), they always seemed to be sold out in my local Penneys and Dunnes.

Wet n Wild Megaglo Highlighting Powder

Luckily (for me), I was sent a package from the brand with their best selling products of 2017! Included, were two shades of the Wet n Wild Megaglo Highlighting Powders.

There is more in the within the range, but I believe these are the only two shades available in Ireland at this beauty blogger

I can honestly say, they are some of the best affordable highlighting powders I have yet to come across! If you follow me on Instagram, you’re probably sick to your back teeth of listening to me talk about them. I thought they deserved a blog post for reference purposes though, and some close up pics blog ireland

The packaging is a little bit flimsy on these. I tend to find that a lot with Wet n Wild products. I guess they have to cut corners somewhere to keep costs down. The powders themselves are soft and easy to blend. They leave a shine on the skin, with a hint of shimmer. I find they apply really nicely with a dense brush for more pigment pay off. But, you can also get a lovely, more subtle effect with a fluffy brush.

The first shade ‘Precious Petals’, is a pale golden pink shade.

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This, for me, is the colour I reach for most as an everyday highlight. It’s a shade that compliments my pale pink toned skin.

beauty blog‘Crown Of My Canopy’, is very much a rose gold shimmer.

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Although I can get away with it as a highlighter if I warm my skin up. In my humble opinion, I think it is more suited to more medium tones. I use this A LOT for eyeshadow. I reach for it so much to use as a wash of colour all over the lid.

Wet n Wild
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Wet n Wild Megaglo Highlighting Powder_3526

I think it’s safe to say I am a big fan of the Wet n Wild Megaglo Highlighting Powder. Since receiving them myself, I’ve seen them a few times now in store. It’s always the same, isn’t it? 🙂

Have you tried them?

*********PR SAMPLE**********


Highlighters My Most Used At The MomentIf I’m wearing makeup, you best believe I have highlighter on! I sometimes just go for a more subtle liquid approach, or a mixture of liquid and powder. Generally though, powder highlighters are my jam.

most used powder highlighters

I am going to run you through the three powder highlighters in my collection that I gravitate towards the most. I’ve loads of lovely other ones, but these are my ‘don’t have to think about it’ picks. They work for me and last well throughout the day.

First up, is the infamous Mary-Lou Manizer from theBalm Cosmetics.thebalm

I think the majority of makeup lover have Mary-Lou in their lives, or one of her very lovely beauty blog

She isn’t too warm, she isn’t too cool. She’s the perfect in between slightly golden shade. The powder itself is soft and really easy to beauty bloggerbeauty blog irelandirish beauty website

If you have yet to see Mary-Lou in the flesh, go check her out in your local Debenhams. You won’t be disappointed. She will set you back €19 online here.

My next choice in my most used highlights is one I picked up at Christmas time last year.becca shimmering skin perfector
This is the Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Pearl.

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If you have pale skin like me or even paler, this could be your perfect shade! It has more of a silvery tone, that can be more suited to pink toned skin tones. It gives shine without sparkle (all of the Shimmering Skin Perfectors do). They melt into the skin effortlessly. top irish beauty website

You can also use this wet if you really want to amp up the glow. I did a whole review on this when I first picked it up here. Becca is in store from Spacenk or online from Cult Beauty here.

My last choice is the more pink shade out of the three highlighters. It’s still has a pale gold finish to it on the skin, so works really nicely for me without looking too obvious. I like that look sometimes, but generally everyday, I just want a bit of shine.too faced prismactic highlighter
It is the Too Faced Prismatic Highlighter in Blinded By The blogtop irish beauty blog

This is the lightest shade in the three Prismatic Highlighters from Too Faced. There is a more pink shade too that I do use too, but this is just the one I reach for the most. They give such a lovely shine, nearly wet look to the skin. top beauty blogdublin beauty blog

I tend to reach for this more in the evenings. It looks so pretty as an eye shadow too. You can find these in store or online from Debenhams here.

And there you have my current faves. Any of them your favourites? What’s your most reached for highlighter?



We all need a bit of festive glitter in our lives. I am bringing some in eyeshadow form, with this really simple, but effective festive sparkle makeup look.

Sparkle Makeup Tutorial

This sparkle makeup look is super easy to achieve and doesn’t require too much faffing around. I actually created it last week, when going out with friends. I already had some ‘daytime’ makeup on. So when it came to doing a more night time appropriate face. I really just went over what I already had on. It made me think this would be really great for going out straight after work. If you don’t have a lot of time, but still want to look put together.

Sparkle Makeup Look

You can check out how the full look comes together in video form here.

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Here’s a list of some of the main products I used:

  • By Terry Ombre Blackstar cream eyeshadow stick in Bronze Moon. I got mine from Cult Beauty here.
  • Chanel Les 4 Ombres Eyeshadow Quad in 268. Doesn’t seem to be readily available any more.
  • Urban Decay Original Naked Palette. You find here.
  • Stila Magnificent Metal Glitter Eyeshadow in Kitten Karma. You can find it online here.
  • La Girl Glide On Pencil. More info on this here.
  • Bellamianta lashes. You can buy them here.
  • Inglot Gel Liner in 96. I have a post on this here.
  • Mac Extended Play Mascara. Review here.
  • Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso. Buy here.
  • Becca Pearl Highlighter. You can find this on Cult Beauty here.
  • Max Factor Creme Bronzer. Review here.
  • Bourjois Rouge Velvet Lipstick. I have a video and blog post on these here.
  • Too Faced Hangover RX Spray. You can find this on the Debenhams website here.

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And I think that is everything covered!

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I really like this festive glitter makeup look. It’s very me and very easy to achieve in my humble opinion too. Let me know what you think.
Thanks, as always.

Surely you know Gemma that good glow can come for way less than a tenner? Yes, yes I do, but I want to talk about all day glow. Highlight that sticks around blinding everyone all damn day long 🙂

top irish beauty bloggerI know for me, all day glow means layering product. I won’t get it by just applying liquid or cream highlighter. And I won’t get it from just powder. Applying them together though, gives me a way better chance of keeping hold of it from day to night.budget makeup

This is the time of year where we all tend to have a lot more on. It’s also the time of year where your hard earned money is going on lovely things for the good people in your life. So I’m here to show you that you don’t have to sacrifice your party shine as a result. I have two products here that you can layer up, or just wear on their own to jazz up a makeup look.

First up we have the PS Custom Glow Liquid Highlighter.

top beauty blogger irelandThis is in the shade Pearl Blossom. On it’s own it gives a pretty muted pink shine to the skin. I will say the packaging isn’t the best. The pipette doesn’t tend to work, so I just take the product from the build up on the applicator.

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These come in three colours I believe and set you back €5 for 9mls of product.

To allow us to ‘glow all day’, I would tend to add a powder highlighter over the drops. To lock the shine in place and even make it more glowy. You can always top up powder too if you need to retouch your makeup. Liquid isn’t so easy. If you want a similar shade for a similar price point, this is the Mink Pink Highlighter again from Penneys.

This is actually a really pretty powder highlighter in it’s own right. top beauty blog irelandAgain, I believe these come in three colour ways too. You get 7.7 grams of product for €3.50. So together, for both products, you are paying €8.50.

All day glow
all day glow
All Day Glow For Under A Tenner_2702

Sandwiched together products tend to have a better chance of standing the test of time in my humble oily skinned opinion 🙂

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I know I’ve been bigging up Penneys/Primark beauty of late. That’s simply because they’re upping their game and I’ve been enjoying alot of it. My last couple of posts on their makeup brushes and single eyeshadow pans are here and here too.

Have you tried either of my glow all day suggestions?

Let me know 🙂


Barry M Liquid Chrome Highlighters

When I saw the Barry M Liquid Chrome Highlighters being advertised on their social media pages, I got very excited.

Barry M Liquid Chrome Highlighters

I have been wanting to try a full on metal liquid highlighter for ages now. Ever since I swatched the Cover FX Custom Enhancer Drops when they were first released here in Space NK. At the time, they were all sold out, so I couldn’t even splurge on one. We can get a hold of them now but at around 35 quid, they are pretty pricey.

Barry M Liquid Chrome Highlighters

So I’ve been biding my time waiting to try the Barry M Liquid Chrome Highlighters. They were initially just available through the Barry M website. I didn’t splurge there because it’s nearly a tenner just to ship them to Ireland. Now, finally they’re available on the Superdrug website. You can get them in store throughout the UK I believe, but not here, yet anyway. Superdrug do free shipping to Ireland over a tener, which is bloody fantastic!

irish beauty blog

I picked up two of the five shades available. I chose the ones that I actually thought I would use day to day.

Precious Pearl, which is a more white based liquid. more suited to pale gals like myself. In powder form this would remind me of the Shimmering Skin Perfector in Pearl by Becca Cosmetics. (Review here).

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So white based like Pearl, but this has a pink iridescent shimmer to it.

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Chrome At First Sight is light rose gold shade. beauty blog irelandIt blends out to a light golden shade with a hue of pink.

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The formula is really light weight and as you would expect from a liquid highlighter, quite runny. They leave a shimmery shine to the skin. Not full on glittery, but there is shimmery flecks running through them. For me, application is best with a duo fiber brush or beauty blender. They do leave a bit of an oily residue on the skin. It dies down somewhat as it sinks in though.

barry m makeup
drugstore liquid highlighter
barry m liquid highlighter
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Overall, I think the Barry M offering for the price and accessibility is really good. I don’t think they pack as much punch as their more expensive predecessors. But as a ‘drugstore’ alternative, they’re really nice.

You can get the Barry M Liquid Chrome Highlighters now on the Superdrug website here. They are £6.99.
