
I’ve already swatched it here, now it’s time to show it in action on the eyes. I paid way too much money for this not to utilise it at least twice on Beautynook 🙂 This is my Huda Beauty New Nude Eyeshadow Palette Tutorial.

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I noticed while editing that my eyebrows are not looking their best for this video, but sure you win some, you lose some. I just put them on for the purpose of filming. Obviously my heart wasn’t in it 🙂

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I haven’t shut up about Huda Beauty in a minute, so I promise this is the last dedicated post for a while. My debit card will be happy to hear that too. I reviewed their Matte & Metal Melted Eyeshadows as well here too if you’re interested.

Huda Beauty Ireland

I wasn’t properly sold on the Huda Beauty New Nude Eyeshadow Palette since first getting it, I have to be honest. But sitting down with it and taking my time applying the glitter shades has really changed my mind. It’s very pink and purple, so neither of those colours are your jam, stay well clear!

Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyshadow Palette

I’ve been gravitating towards cranberry and pink shades more and more over the past few months. At first I was super intimidated by them. I find the more you try something, for example a red or an orange lip, the more ‘normal’ it becomes. And this has happened for me with these tones of shadows for sure.

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In fact, you’re probably sick of seeing them on my eyeballs now. Totes soz 🙂

I will say tonally, you will get really similar looks with the Huda Beauty New Nude Eyeshadow Palette. I’m sure you can just guess that by looking at it, but I’m being super pedantic, cos it’s super spendy!

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Anyways, please do click on the video and let me know what you think of the look, not so much my eyebrows though! Have you splurged on the Palette?




Huda Beauty IrelandThere has been a ridiculous amount of hype about the Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyeshadow Palette. And I think we can all agree it’s purely based on just how pretty it looks, right? I wanted it solely just because the shades look amazing in the pan. Even when I forked over the €65 for it in Brown Thomas, I didn’t even swatch it in store beforehand. Nor had I googled reviews, I just blindly bought. But look at it!!!!

Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyshadow Palette

I only own the Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyeshadow Palette a week and have only used it on my eyeballs twice. It’s been a slow New Years week, there wasn’t much makeup being put on 🙂 I put up a poll on my Instagram stories asking would you want to see swatches regardless. 99% of voters said yes, so here we are. After using it a couple of times I did chime in on stories to tell you my initial thoughts.

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The fall out is immense, do your base second and use a creamy base for the glitters to give them more opacity and help them stick. (Huda do include a concealer in the palette). I heard mixed reviews about the mattes, for me so far, they’ve worked well and I find them easy to blend. Although some of them need more building up then others and the fallout is bad, so just be careful!Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyshadow Palette

This isn’t my first Huda Beauty eyeshadow palette. I also have three of the Obsessions Palettes which you can see swatched here, here and beauty blogger

Ok let’s get into the task at hand, talking about and swatching the Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyeshadow Palette. This palette contains 18 eyeshadows. They range from nude, mauve, gold, copper, to more berry tones in colour. And then you get 10 matte shades, four duo chromes: (Crave, Fantasy, Daydream, Charmed). Two glitters: (Excite, Infatuated). One pressed pearl (Kinky) and then a concealer to use as a base, or however you beauty blog

I’ve swatched them in their rows of six from left to right.

Top row: Bare, Crave, Play, Fantasy, Love Bite, Spanked.

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Middle row: Lace, Daydream, Tickle, Excite, Infatuated, Kinky.

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Bottom row: Concealed, Secret, Tease, Raw, Charmed, Teddy.

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Here are some of the shades in action on my eyes, just for reference, it’s a really simple look, I’m no makeup artist, and I’m definitely no Instagram makeup artist.

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I paid 65 quid for the Huda Beauty New Nude Eyeshadow Palette, I’m sure there’ll be a video demonstration at some point too 🙂 What do you think? Have you tried it yet? Is it on your lust list? Let me know.


Pixi Glow-y Gossamer Duo Subtle Sunrise

I’ve used a few Pixi products in the past. I always have a stash of the Glow Tonic in my skincare drawer. I met with their UK PR last year and got to try even more skincare and some of the makeup. Their makeup was fairly new to me. I remember swatching some of in Boots in London a few years back and liking how it performed, but the packaging never really drew me in. Something that always stuck in my head after meeting with them though is my friend Sinéad aka The Beautiful Truth, who has at the meeting too saying, they are such an under rated makeup brand and after trying it for myself I completely agree. I have a post here about their Liquid Fairy Lights too if you want to check it out. Right now, I want to talk about, dare I say it, one of the best highlighters I have ever tried. The Pixi Glow-y Gossamer Duo Subtle Sunrise.Pixi Glow-y Gossamer Duo Subtle Sunrise

There is two shade ranges in the Pixi Glow-y Gossamer Duo (s).  You can see both choices on their website here. Delicate Dew seems to be a little darker toned. I want to specifically talk about Subtle irish beauty blog

I went for a dinner with the brand a few weeks ago, I know lucky me! And I got this duo in my goody back. I know, lucky me again. There is of course two colours within the compact. One is more of a champagne glow, and the other is a peachy rose irish beauty bloggerbeauty blog irelandbeauty blogger ireland

The formula is just bloody gorgeous. It’s soft and creamy and oh so pigmented but in a glow-y way, hence the name 🙂 Both shades 100% create a glow to the skin without being sparkly or glitter. It’s just full on shine. I am a particular fan or the champagne side. If they created this on it’s own, I don’t think I would ever be without it. Here it is in action on the skin in video form. Make sure it’s in HD to see the full effect 🙂

I know I sound like I am gushing. Usually I come at a review as pragmatically as possible. I write about pros and cons, and then sum everything up. Honestly, I cannot say anything bad about the Pixi Glow-y Gossamer Duo Subtle Sunrise. Other than I wish they came as single pans, both shades serve a purpose and are beautiful though! The glow and the longevity of the glow is awesome!irish beauty blogirish beauty blogger

We get some Pixi stock here in Ireland in Marks and Spencer. Do yourself a favour and go in if you can to swatch. You can buy the Pixi Glow-y Gossamer duo in Subtle Sunrise from Look Fantastic for €23.45 here. Can you tell I’m enamoured? 🙂


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Primark PS Pro Makeup BrushesThis is my second Penneys post in the space of a couple of weeks. That must mean I am either going mad, or they are really stepping up their game! The last one was about their new individual eyeshadows here. It was more just a show and tell. This post is going to be on the Penneys PS Pro Makeup Brushes.

Penneys PS Pro Makeup Brushes

I’ve have been using these for a good chunk of time now, so think I can give a decent review on the ones I own. I wanted to use them and to clean them a few times, so I could show you properly how they fared.

penneys beautyprimark beauty

They have pretty much all manner of brushes in this collection. I picked up the ones that I thought people would be interested in and of course I would actually use myself. They are all synthetic and from what I can see all under a fiver too.

I have nine brushes from the collection. Five eye brushes, and four face.

Penneys PS Pro Makeup BrushesPenneys PS Pro Makeup Brushes

I have the Duo Precision Brush Set. This was €4.

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It contains two eye brushes. One duo fiber pencil brush and a blending brush with a more splayed out tip.

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The other double pack is The Duo Blending Brush Set. Again, this was €4. top irish beauty blogThis contains a black bristled tapered shadow brush and then a blending brush very much like the Mac 217 just synthetic.
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My last eyeshadow brush from the Penneys PS Pro Makeup Brushes range is probably my least favourite out of the ones I have. This is €2. beauty bloggerIt’s their Eyeshadow Shading Brush. Just personal preference but I find this a bit too soft to pack on colour with, and that’s what I would mostly use this shape brush for.  I don’t get much use out of it.
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I have their Touch Up Brush with is a duo fiber little domed brush. This costs €3. top beauty blogger irelandGenerally, I use this for under eye powder or highlight.
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This is the Large Duo Buffing brush is €4.

affordable makeup brushesTo me this is a standard enough large stippling brush. I have been loving this for applying bronzer.

affordable makeup brushes
penneys makeup brushes

I have been using their Large Powder brush for it’s complete name sake and loving it. This costs €4.

primark makeup brushes

I’ve actually purchased very similar tapered brushes to this in the past that I found shed alot. The dye also ran dreadfully when I washed them. I can confidently say, neither of these things has happened with the Penneys version.

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The last brush I have from the Penneys PS Pro Makeup Brushes range is their foundation brush. This costs €4.

irish beauty blog beautynook This was the hardest brush to get my hands on and the one most people told me to get! It’s a soft, but densely packed, rounded, with a slight slant, kabuki brush.

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Overall, I am a big fan of the Penneys PS Pro Makeup Brushes! I have used other brushes from the brand in the past that have ended up in the bin. These, however have made it into my daily rotation. I am picking up some of these brushes instead of my Zoeva, Sigma, Blank Canvas and even Mac. I have washed them all a few times now and haven’t had much hair shed as of yet. They all washed really well. (Have a click here to see how I clean my brushes).irish beauty youtubertop irish vlogger

The handles are plastic, so if you enjoy a more weighty makeup brush, these won’t be for you. All of the ones I have are soft, and do pretty much what they are supposed to do. I honestly cannot say anything bad about them, and generally I try to be objective here! If you’re in the market for some new brushes that work and don’t want to break the bank, look no further.

Have you tried any of them? What other ones do I need in my life?



Mac Eyeshadows My Most Used

I stopped buying Mac Eyeshadows for a long time, It wasn’t a matter of not liking them. It was a matter of the price. There was so many other brands bringing out quality shadows that were much better value for money. Makeup Geek, the first one springing to mind. I have lots of posts including Makeup Geek. I’ll link my favourite neutrals from the brand here.

Mac Eyeshadows

However, at the beginning of this year, Mac reduced the price here in Ireland. Single pan Mac Eyeshadows will now set you back €7 from Brown Thomas and Arnotts here. At one stage, they were costing €11. Seven quid is a much better deal! And of course with Arnotts selling the brand in store and online too, it’s much easier to get a hold of.

Mac cosmetics ireland

I’ll stop waffling now since you clicked to see my most used shadows from the brand 🙂 A bit of a disclaimer, they are not very exciting. I went with five choices. For some reason that seems to be a nice number for me with these things.

mac cosmetics

They are overall neutral with a couple of more interesting colours thrown in too. These are honestly shades I use though. Also, I should point out too, other brands do have similar eyeshadows. Sure Makeup Geek give their Mac dupes on the website. I like to dabble in all brands though and Mac are damn good at eyeshadow (specifically singles), among other things of course.

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First up we have Naked Lunch.

This is one of those colours most makeup lovers had at once stage. This is my second one. I only picked it up a few months ago.

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It’s a neutral and quite cool toned shimmery nude shade with a hint of pink. I love it for highlighting and applied all over the lid on ‘no makeup,makeup’ days.

Second is All That Glitters.

This is another neutral shimmery shade, just deeper. I think of it as a rosy champagne colour. I do know on deeper skin tones it can look a bit orange in tone, that is something to note. But again, for me it’s another everyday shade.

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It works so lovely just applied all over the lid. You can intensify the shine from it by wetting your brush to apply it.

Third is Satin Taupe.

This is probably my most used shade. It’s a cool toned taupe frosty colour. The formula is a little harder to work with, it’s quite stiff. I generally use my finger too apply it. It is such an unusual shade though, so I can live with the application.

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You can create dimensional colour with it by just blending the edges with a fluffy brush. In some lights it can look more purple than brown.

My fourth choice is Club.

Club holds a special place in my makeup heart. For a long time it was the only one of it’s kind out there. Nowadays, there’s plenty of similar shades on the market. Like Satin Taupe, it’s a multi dimensional shade.

mac cosmetics club
mac eyeshadows
mac cosmetics ireland

It is green in the pan, but shifts brown as you blend it. You get a really cool duo chrome effect from it. I remember buying both Satin Taupe and Club at the same time from Brown Thomas after seeing so much hype about them online back in the day. I am glad I did 🙂

My last choice is the most colourful out of the lot. This is Cranberry.

This is a frost finish reddened burgundy with a pink and golden sheen to it. Again, it was one of those shades that a few years ago was hard to come by. Not so much anymore, but it’s still a lovely version of it.

mac single pan eyeshadows
mac makeup arnotts
top mac eyeshadows

It looks super intimidating, putting red on your eyes seems insane! For me, I think it does a great job at bringing out the green in my hazel eyes. I generally just use it all over the lid with some brown in the crease.

top five mac eyeshadowsAnd there you have my most reached for Mac Eyeshadows. Do you still dabble in them? What would be your most used?


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Myself and Effaclar Duo have a very close bond. It is one of the only face creams that doesn’t interfere with my makeup and create extra oil throughout the day. I did a blog post last year here about the OG one and about their Unifiant (tinted) version. This post is dedication to the latest release, the La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo SPF 30!

La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo SPF 30

As someone with oily skin, SPF, generally does not do very well on my mush! SPF on it’s own is a no go. It tends to be thick and doesn’t absorb enough into the skin. When it’s within skincare, it can still be like this and I just find myself getting shiny pretty much instantaneously.

Because of this, I have to guiltily admit, sometimes I go without SPF on my face completely, or I use a foundation with some protection in it. I can say hand on heart that the La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo SPF 30 has been a bit of a revelation for me.

La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo SPF 30

It comes in the same 40ml tube as the original and smells the same. It has the same gel like formula but it’s definitely a little thicker in consistency.

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But, if you give it a couple of minutes, it does sink into the skin without feeling tacky or leaving a white mask on the skin.

It of course has SPF 30 and protects against UVA and UVB rays. It’s also kind to imperfections too. Now as it’s a moisturiser rather than full on sunscreen, it does mean that it doesn’t protect for as long and we generally apply it in a thinner layer. And it’s not water resistant. So it’s great for general day to day wear. But, if you’re heading to the beach or spending a lot of time directly in the sun, proper sunscreen is still the way to go.

La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo SPF 30The important part for me though that it doesn’t make my makeup slide off completely. I do get more shiner than I would if I use the original version, but nothing like I would if I was wearing full blown SPF.

Overall, I am a fan of the La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo SPF 30. It’s a great middle ground for me. It means I have some sort of decent protection on my face day to day, while out and about. I don’t feel as exposed.

It’s available now in pharmacies nationwide. The general price is around €19 or so. I found it on Feel Unique online here for the best price.

Have you tried it yet?

Shout out to Rosie for all the help as always 🙂

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