
L'Oréal Paradise Waterproof MascaraMy lash lift has finally given up which is very sad. But, it did happen around the same time I received the new L’Oréal Paradise waterproof mascara in the post. Silver linings and all that 🙂 I used the original formula while my lashes were lifted and really like it!

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As you will well know I use waterproof mascara pretty much exclusively. Not because of smudging necessarily, but because it just holds a curl better. And my lashes don’t curl naturally. Lash lifts help with curl so brilliantly, they also cost around €60 a session though, so when I can’t fork out, I go back to waterproof mascara.L'Oréal Paradise Waterproof Mascara

Along with the new L’Oréal Paradise Waterproof mascara. I also got the new lash primer from the same range. I don’t really have much to say about the primer really. It’s meant to help boost volume and care for your lashes at the same time. You apply a layer of it before mascara. If you have long luscious, curly lashes it might really be of benefit to you. For me, it’s just an adds product that weighs my lashes beauty sitetop irish beauty site

It does help with volume a little, but it pulls down the curl I use the eyelash curlers to create and the waterproof mascara to maintain. I prefer my lashes without it. It’s available from Boots for €15.49.

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top irish beauty bloggerThe waterproof mascara however, I really really like. Like the original formula it has quite  a large bristled brush, not what I normally gravitate towards, but it works really well. The formula of this mascara is quite thick, so I find the bristles help to distribute it evenly on the lashes.

L'Oréal Paradise Waterproof Mascaratop beauty blog

For me, it gives fluttery volume. What I mean by that is,  it beefs up my lashes but not in a gloopy way ha! It gives a decent amount of length and it holds a curl really blogirish beauty youtuber

That’s the thing I want in a mascara the most. It does get a little dry towards the end of the day, but I kind of expect that with most mascaras. I tried it on my bottom lashes a couple of times and if definitely did smudge a few hours in. I tend to be extra and use a separate mascara on my lower lashes. (Most of the time, it’s exclusively this). I know most mascaras smudge on my lower lashes so I use what I know works.

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Overall though, I really like the new L’Oréal Paradise waterproof. I’ve reached for it every day since getting it without hesitation. That alone is a good sign for me. At €16.49 from Boots, I think the price is a bit sticky for a more ‘drugstore’ mascara. But having said that, it is one I can whole heartedly recommend. Have you tried it?


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Sometimes I forget that most people aren’t as obsessed with makeup and beauty products as much as me.I assume that everyone knows all the little tips and tricks that I’ve picked up along the way being a self confessed beauty addict.

This is not always the case, so I’ve set up a new little section to Beautynook called Beautynook Tips (unique name I know 🙂 I just want to keep it simple. Some of it may be common knowledge, some of it may not be, let’s just see where the wind takes us 🙂

So my first Beautynook Tip is going to be How To Keep Your Eyelashes Curled All Day.

I myself have pretty straight boring lashes, nothing to brag about or be proud of, so on a day to day basis I always put a little extra effort in to make them look a bit more full and curled.

Here are my lashes with no product on them:

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Pretty bog standard right?

First up I like to give my lashes a really good curl.

Shu Uemura Eye Lash Curler

I have used so many different types of lash curlers over the years. Some cheap, some not so cheap and my favourite by far have to be the Shu Uemura ones.

Shu Uemura Eyelash Curle

Not the most affordable, they will set you back around 20 euro, but whatever way they are shaped they just do a really good job at getting into the base of the lashes and doing the job well. When curling your lashes try to get as close to the base as possible (without hurting yourself of course). When you have all your lashes in the curlers, tilt it upwards slightly to help with the curling. Give the curlers a good few squeezes while you have them clamped on your lashes and hold them in place for a good 20 seconds or so to get the full benefit.

If you find your lashes won’t take a curl particularly well, try heating you lash curlers gently with a hair dryer. Give them a blast for about 5-10 seconds, you don’t want to get them too hot, but if they are heated slightly that will help with the process.

So eyelashes curled…check.

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You can see that makes a huge difference already right?

Personally for me, most of the time, I find normal mascaras don’t cut the mustard when it comes to holding the curl in place all day long. This is a personal preference but I tend to go for waterproof formulas. I think as a general rule they hold a curl better and they don’t transfer onto my oily skin. At the minute I am using the Maybelline The Rocket Volum’ Express Waterproof, and I really like it.

Maybelline the Rocket Volum' Express WaterproofI am not too particular about mascaras. If it does the job well, I will use any brand or price point. I am always on the look out for recommendations though so if you have one that you love be sure to let me know 🙂

When it comes to applying mascara I have found that applying from the base of your lashes, and wiggling the wand up to the tip is the best way to apply it. Use the bristles at the end of the wand to get into your outer lashes and fan them out for a more voluminous look. It applies product to every lash while helping to lift them into place before the mascara sets. I know waterproof mascara is more difficult to get off, but if you have trouble keeping a curl in your lashes, give it a go and I promise it will help. Just use an oil when cleaning and it will come off without too much trouble.

So mascara is added to the top lashes.

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Ok this step might be a bit over the top. I use a different mascara for my bottom lashes. I know I know how high maintenance of me 🙂

I use the Mac Extended Play Lash mascara on my bottom lashes exclusively for a couple of reasons.

Mac Extended Play Lash MascaraOne it doesn’t budge and my bottom lashes notoriously smudge. I don’t find it very beneficial for my top lashes it’s not volume enhancing enough for me.

Also the wand it small and dinky.Mac Extended Play Lash Spooley

You can get in to separate and coat all your little bottom lash hairs easier than with a big giant spooley like the one on the Maybelline mascara. I love having mascara on my bottom lashes I feel it opens your eyes and make you look more awake.

Bottom lashes done.

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So lashes are done, but we can do one more step to make our lashes look a little fuller. Tight lining your upper water line really helps darken up your lash line and make your lashes look more voluminous. It’s not hugely noticeable here but I promise it helps. I will be honest and say it doesn’t feel very pleasant when you do it, but after a while you get used to it 🙂 Of course use a waterproof formula eye kohl or gel as you want it to stay put for as long as possible.

tight lining upper waterline

upper tight lining

I tend to tight line my bottom water line too most days, I personally just feel I look a  bit better with it done, so I’ll show you the finished look below.

beautynook lashes

There you have it, my first installment of Beautynook Tips. It seems like a lot of steps but I reckon I can knock this out in about 5 minutes now and once the mascara is on, it doesn’t budge until you take it off. These are tried and tested products.

If you have any tips or tricks you want to share be sure to add them in the comments below. If you have anything else you would like me to cover, let me know too.

Thanks for reading as always and have a great day 🙂
