
Huda Beauty IrelandThere has been a ridiculous amount of hype about the Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyeshadow Palette. And I think we can all agree it’s purely based on just how pretty it looks, right? I wanted it solely just because the shades look amazing in the pan. Even when I forked over the €65 for it in Brown Thomas, I didn’t even swatch it in store beforehand. Nor had I googled reviews, I just blindly bought. But look at it!!!!

Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyshadow Palette

I only own the Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyeshadow Palette a week and have only used it on my eyeballs twice. It’s been a slow New Years week, there wasn’t much makeup being put on 🙂 I put up a poll on my Instagram stories asking would you want to see swatches regardless. 99% of voters said yes, so here we are. After using it a couple of times I did chime in on stories to tell you my initial thoughts.

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The fall out is immense, do your base second and use a creamy base for the glitters to give them more opacity and help them stick. (Huda do include a concealer in the palette). I heard mixed reviews about the mattes, for me so far, they’ve worked well and I find them easy to blend. Although some of them need more building up then others and the fallout is bad, so just be careful!Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyshadow Palette

This isn’t my first Huda Beauty eyeshadow palette. I also have three of the Obsessions Palettes which you can see swatched here, here and beauty blogger

Ok let’s get into the task at hand, talking about and swatching the Huda Beauty The New Nude Eyeshadow Palette. This palette contains 18 eyeshadows. They range from nude, mauve, gold, copper, to more berry tones in colour. And then you get 10 matte shades, four duo chromes: (Crave, Fantasy, Daydream, Charmed). Two glitters: (Excite, Infatuated). One pressed pearl (Kinky) and then a concealer to use as a base, or however you beauty blog

I’ve swatched them in their rows of six from left to right.

Top row: Bare, Crave, Play, Fantasy, Love Bite, Spanked.

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Middle row: Lace, Daydream, Tickle, Excite, Infatuated, Kinky.

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Bottom row: Concealed, Secret, Tease, Raw, Charmed, Teddy.

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Here are some of the shades in action on my eyes, just for reference, it’s a really simple look, I’m no makeup artist, and I’m definitely no Instagram makeup artist.

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I paid 65 quid for the Huda Beauty New Nude Eyeshadow Palette, I’m sure there’ll be a video demonstration at some point too 🙂 What do you think? Have you tried it yet? Is it on your lust list? Let me know.
