So you’re thinking to yourself, not another blog post about gel eye-liner… but please hear me out.
Inglot do some great make-up, the brand just seemed to creep up out of nowhere and make us spend all of our hard earned dosh on their lovely stuff, how dare they 🙂
The AMC Matte gel eye-liner in 77 (black) is by far one of my favourite products from them. It doesn’t look like anything exciting, a little plastic tub with something inside it resembling shoe polish.
Upon application this stuff will stay put forever, it is so creamy, dense in colour, easy to apply but can be a little hard to get off at the end of the night which is a pain, but is the mark of a good eye liner in my opinion.
I usually only wear this stuff when I’m off out of an evening or if I’m out for the whole day and want a full face of make-up. It dries to a matt finish and does not transfer (from my oily lid knowledge) to the top lid. My favourite use for it is in the water line and for tight lining the inside of my eyes. I tend to use a sharpened Kohl pencil and dip it in the product rather than a brush because I just feel it’s less ticklish, that’s a personal preference though. I double apply it, I put some on after finishing my shadows and let it dry and then before I head out the door I apply again, just to be safe. I kid you not it stays put all day! Most of the time I don’t even bring out an emergency eye-liner with me for touching up and I haven’t found it to irritate my eyes although I don’t get irritated very easily. The product itself lasts pretty well, The pot I have is lasting pretty well (about six months and still going strong).
If you’re not a black eye-liner gal, Inglot do the AMC eyeliners in a huge range of colours and different finishes. They retail for 15 euro. Inglot can be found worldwide. I have a good selection of the colours and am happy with all of them.
Have you used it before? What’s your opinion? I would love to hear your feedback.
Thanks for reading.
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