The word ‘influencer’, has just become part of our everyday lives now. Wikipedia describe it as: ‘Influencer marketing (also influence marketing), is a form of marketing in which focus is placed on influential people rather than the target market as a whole. It identifies the individuals that have influence over potential customers, and orients marketing activities around these influencers.’

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So in a nutshell, it’s marketing. A form of advertising. It has been coined to describe anyone with an online following, whether it be YouTube, social media, blogging. It all lies under the influencer umbrella. As someone who puts themselves out there somewhat online. (Don’t worry I am very aware of how small of a fish I am before you come at me 🙂 ). I am just not the hugest fan of the word.

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To me, influence can come from anywhere and everywhere. The person in front of you in McDonalds can influence your ordering decision. Your neighbour can influence your hair colour. It’s everywhere. From an online perspective, I prefer the term content creator. Someone who puts thought into creating online content, paid or unpaid, it shouldn’t matter. Once they’re doing a good job, you enjoy it and they do it with integrity.

I think that’s what we’ve lost within this online world. People creating because they enjoy it, not just solely for what they can get out of it. It’s a industry now, a very profitable industry. It a ways for average people to make a lot of money and for celebrities to make even more money. I have no problem with this whatsoever may I add. It was a logical move. It just hurts my heart that the likes of blogging and vlogging, seem to have lost their meaning within it all. Content is just churned out to keep the money rolling beauty youtuber

Now don’t get me wrong, I know there is still old school bloggers and vloggers out there. Polished and unpolished. I like to think I am one. An unpolished one that is 🙂 I write blogposts, I take my own, not very professional photographs. It’s just me rambling about makeup. Some I buy myself, some I get given for consideration. I try to be diplomatic and honest at all times. Blogging, beauty blogging in particular, became relevant because it was a way to cut through the bullshit advertising that was being shoved down our throats. It was real people giving real opinions on products.

I am all for people getting recognition for creating content. I encourage it. It can be hard work. It can be demanding. If I got a euro every time someone asked me to buy something so I could test it and tell them if it was good. There would be way more euros in my bank account. Readers/followers, can be demanding, can expect a lot for nothing. Of course, I am talking generally here, but people can be arseholes, some don’t even say thank you if you go out of your way to research something and answer questions. irish beauty blog

I think we’ve all lost our way within it all a little. People who create content and then those who choose to consume it. Now I know I’m a 33 year old, small time blogger and an avid content consumer, so I’m not preaching here as such. I can only talk on behalf of myself, here in Ireland. I feel like Ireland is having a hard time coming to terms with this ever growing online industry. What I see here is a lot of negativity (on both sides), anger, jealousy, the list goes on. My two cents? Online media isn’t going anywhere.

We have to learn to embrace it. Consume the parts we enjoy, the people we enjoy. Give kudos to the people doing a damn good job out there! Because there is so many awesome people getting lost within it all. So much content is consumed as a result of hate. People watch certain YouTube videos or scroll Instagram just so they can give out about it. Well, you may be giving out about it but you’re also giving that person reach and a platform. Kind of defeats the purpose, right?

You can only be influenced if you choose to be. I say that knowing my audience overall are adults, that can make up their own minds and make their own decisions.

Like my last rambled post, these are just the thoughts in my head which I’ve spewed out onto this page. Let me know what you think. These topics need to be discussed. We need to find some sort of a happy medium within all this.

