It’s been a while since I sat down and did one of these videos. I think this was the last one! My eyebrows have come a loooonggggg way since then 🙂 This time I asked on Instagram if any of you had any questions. Thank god you did! So if you want to get to know me a little better, click on the video above.
Would ya look at me posing, pretending I’m reading the lovely questions. I definitely am not, I was just trying to get a thumbnail. Also something you might not know about SEO, it loves pictures, so here’s another one 🙂
I don’t give my whole life away online. I don’t think there’s any real need and also, I’m not a hugely interesting person. But I think it’s important to get to know me a little. Instastories is where you see a lot of it, but it’s nice to shake it up every now and again.
I was really digging this super easy makeup look too, so I wanted to show that off a bit as well. And for anyone wondering, cause I would be too! My awesome Ms Piggy jumper is from Zara. I got it while we were in Spain, but I know it was here in store too for a minute. Obsessed is not the word, although it isn’t the best quality.
In this get to know me q&a. I speak about blogging, kids, beauty and a few things in between. So grab a cuppa and a biscuit and have a click. I’d love to know what you think too. Do you really care about the people you follow online? Or do you just want to hear about makeup and that’s it?
Please do let me know. And as always, thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate it.