This was very much an off the cuff makeup video. I had just come back from a PR event with Primark/Penneys which was soooooo nice but ended up being way longer than I thought. I had decided before I went I was going to go to  Alltech with John that evening too, which is a food and drink fair. It’s on every year here in Dublin in the Convention Centre. And if you know John you know how obsessed he is with craft beer. It was literally like Christmas Day for him, so no way was he letting me make him late 🙂

day time to night time makeup tutorial

I had to high tail it home. Luckily Penneys very kindly fed me, so I just had to ‘zhush’ myself up. I say that a lot in this video ha!

I have oily skin, which I’m sure you know if you’ve been around these parts before. So my skin looked a bit like this when I sat down to sort my face out.


irish beauty blog

I had this makeup on for about five hours, it had definitely started to deteriorate. I didn’t have time to re-do my makeup completely, so this was the easiest option. Just go over what I already had on. I do this quite a lot and it seems to work quite well for me. I thought I would turn the camera on last minute and show you how I do it.

irish beauty blogger

The products I used aren’t really the main focus in this video, although I do talk you through some of them. The Pixi Cosmetics Mixed Metals Palette is a real winner for me at the moment. As is the I Heart Makeup Blush in Peachy Pink Kiss.

beauty blog ireland

I did edit out my ’ems and cut down some of the processes, but for the most part the video is pretty accurate time wise. All in all, it took me about 20 minutes, hair zhushing and top changing included 🙂

Let me know what you think and if you like these types of more real life scenario videos. Thank you as always for clicking.

